Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stop and smell the roses

Gnat and Long Hair are going to come over tonight and we are going to have a spectacular fabulous wedding flower decorating bonaza!

This wedding has certainly shown us who our friends are. When we ask someone for help or ideas they jump right in. Its wonderful. It makes me think there might be a distinct correlation between how awesome we are together and how happy our friends are tha we are getting married.

Ah flowers. Z really wants roses and so roses he shall have!

We've been doing a great emotional balancing act. I freaked out about guest list and tents and chairs and Z calms me down. Recently, HE freaked out that the space wouldn't be big enough or that the rental would be too much. He was worrying about there being 75 people. I had to give him the same speech he had given me only a week ago. We are having 50 people. After parents, step parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, their husbands, we are only left with 20 seats. Well, that can quickly be filled with friends and significant others. People will be left out but everyone will understand when we explain it's not just a small wedding, it's TINY.

He calmed down when we started planning the honeymoon. Come to think of it, so did I!

Monday, April 18, 2011


We went from stressing about the seating to the honeymoon. And now my honey is happy. He's thinking about white sand beaches and all the fun to be had and no longer worrying about the schematics of the tent location and the table arrangements. Good times!

Wedding Planning

Ah, the way we work together. It's awesome. We became engaged on April 2, 2011. Here we are only 16 days later and we've had a complete role reversal. Last week I was freaking out about guest list and people and who's and where's and what's and how much. Today it's different. He's the one freaking out. The space we have might be too small, the table might not fit. It might rain. I might cost too much. And then I step in and just simply repeat all that he's told me in the past few weeks about my minor freak outs. Note to readers, I might be using this blog for the next few months to chronicle the wedding planning and thoughts and trials and tribulations. I'm the hopeless romantic who keeps pictures and postcards and notes from high school. I'd like to keep my thoughts and ideas and the things that we've been going through together here in an open forum. It's going to be a long and bumpy ride folks!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011


He proposed! I'm so happy and so excited! It was in a group of friends at my birthday party! Lovely. So happy!